Anything is possible.


Go Trolley Films produces highly effective, emotive, mobilizing content that has helped raise over $260 Million for development on the African continent. Films specifically focused on Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation in Africa have been viewed by over 800,000 people including relevant donors, stakeholders, partner institutions and the public. We also produce creative visual content for brands, NGOs and foundations.

Rolling since 2007, Go Trolley Films is an internationally award winning, specialized digital storytelling company that provides strategic content solutions for a range of important clients. We produce intelligent, powerful work that is both creatively and technically excellent. We believe in the power of exceptional storytelling and excel at powerful social development communications, media training and skills development.

Working with the ethos that ‘anything is possible’, the team has grown into a family of talented, committed professionals and we make and share big and small stories with equal care. We understand the different needs of television, online and mobile audiences and work with people and environments to find the human heart of any story we tell.

Go Trolley Films has led communications campaigns and produced effective documentary material for RUFORUM (28 African Universities of 164 member Universities covered in 13 countries since 2013), Research Africa (London, Ethiopia, Malawi), Stellenbosch University (South Africa, New York, London), University of Cape Town (South Africa), Rhodes University (Makhanda), OpenAIR African Innovation Research on Intellectual Property (Canada), Mastercard Foundation scholarship programme – TAGDEV (Kenya and Uganda) and several other significant projects for the Carnegie Foundation of New York, The Aids Healthcare Foundation (Uganda) and mothers2mothers (South Africa, Malawi).

At the heart of impactful media is the human story. When the audience connect to stories and are moved at a personal level, the message is lasting and impactful. It is on the foundation of these emotional stories that we can communicate more complex messages about education, climate change, women’s rights and African unity.

At the heart of all our films is emotion. Audiences need to be moved to act. This is the power of the documentary medium.

Go Trolley has 3 pillars: Digital storytelling, digital platform building and sharing and media skills training. Our core business lies in producing short form video and stills photography for mobile, online and television audiences. Beyond this we assist clients in developing  strategies that maximise the value and impact of the work we create. This includes the building of innovative digital platforms, social and other media campaigns. We also offer media and communication skills training for youth – empowering young people to be engaged, confident, curious and critical digital communicators. We believe in the power of digital storytelling to help build a resilient, prosperous Africa.

Contact us

  • 3 Hilltop Lane, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

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